Wednesday, February 26, 17:00 CETThe first meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 26, 17:00 CET on ZOOM: Meeting ID: 949 5054 5241 Passcode: 800038 The seminar is carried by groups sharing interest in natural ELF electromagnetic waves and related ionospheric physics - Sopron (Hungary), Denver (Colorado, US), Buenos Aires (Argentina) and our group in Krakow (Poland). The groups in PL, US and AR are parts of the WERA project ( The seminar is open for our other colleagues and collaborators who may be willing to join the meetings. This regular seminar series discussing recent research topics in all groups, also in the working (prepublication or initiation) phase, is intended both to boost our existing collaborations and to generate new ties and common projects. We (Jerzy Kubisz and Michał Ostrowski from Jagiellonian University in Krakow) volunteer to take care about arrangements and distribution of information about the following meetings, but we would like to ask everyone to be active as a co-organizer, contributing with their advice and suggestions to turn this seminar into interesting scientific event worth to attend. Considering the seminar as not only a platform for presentations, but also allowing for extended working discussions, we would like to consider 1h regular meeting time but allow for its' extension up to 2h in the case an interesting discussion develops at the meeting. We intend to start with a once per month meetings and we will propose that our seminars are held in the last Wednesday of each month, 5 p.m. CET. We would like to propose that the first meeting will be used for short (~10-15 minutes) presentations of our groups and preliminary discussion of a program for the following meetings. |