Two Hundred Years' History of the Cracow Astronomical Observatory

Written by Jan Mietelski (

This paper appeared in 'Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego' MCXIX, 1993

  ABSTRACT: A short historical description of the Cracow University Observatory in the years 1792-1992 is given; also, the situation at the University in the years preceding the opening of the Observatory has been characterized. Then, the initial period 1792-1824 of scientific activities of the Observatory, ending with its crisis, has been presented.

In turn, the development of the Cracow Observatory in nine decades (1825-1916) is described, when the post of the managing director was held successively by professors: M. Wiesse (1825-1861), F. Karlinski (1862-1902) and M. P. Rudzki (1902-1916).

The last two chapters present the main research topics and the development of the Cracow Observatory under Prof. T. Banachiewicz as the director (1919-1954) and later on -- till now. 

  1. Introduction
  2. Preparatory activities aiming at the foundation of the Cracow Observatory
  3. From the opening of the Observatory by J. Sniadecki to its first crisis (1792-1824)
  4. The development of the Observatory under Weisse, Karlinski and Rudzki (1825-1916)
  5. The Observatory in the years of T. Banachiewicz's management (1919-1954)
  6. The general characteristics of the Cracow Astronomical Observatory since 1955 till 1992