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Retrieved 50 abstracts, starting with number 1. Total number selected: 58813. Total citations: 922750

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1 1973A&A....24..337S
5167.00000/1973            F  G                              R  C      S          O  U  H  
Shakura, N. I.; Sunyaev, R. A.
Black holes in binary systems. Observational appearance.

2 1991ApJ...376..214B
1747.00007/1991A          F  G                              R  C                  O  U  H  
Balbus, Steven A.; Hawley, John F.
A powerful local shear instability in weakly magnetized disks. I - Linear analysis. II - Nonlinear evolution

1734.00000/1983A                                                  C              K      U      
Shapiro, Stuart L.; Teukolsky, Saul A.
Black holes, white dwarfs, and neutron stars: The physics of compact objects

4 1972ApJ...178..623T
1692.00012/1972A          F  G                              R  C      S  N          U  H  
Toomre, Alar; Toomre, Juri
Galactic Bridges and Tails

5 1982MNRAS.199..883B
1546.00006/1982A          F  G                              R  C      S              U  H  
Blandford, R. D.; Payne, D. G.
Hydromagnetic flows from accretion discs and the production of radio jets

6 1979ApJS...41..513M
1470.00011/1979A          F  G                              R  C                      U  H  
Miller, G. E.; Scalo, J. M.
The initial mass function and stellar birthrate in the solar neighborhood

7 1981ARA&A..19..137P
1310.00000/1981A          F  G                      T      R  C                      U      
Pringle, J. E.
Accretion discs in astrophysics

8 1977MNRAS.179..433B
1256.00005/1977A          F  G                              R  C      S              U  H  
Blandford, R. D.; Znajek, R. L.
Electromagnetic extraction of energy from Kerr black holes

9 1995ARA&A..33..581K
1171.00000/1995A          F  G                              R  C      S  N          U  H  
Kormendy, John; Richstone, Douglas
Inward Bound---The Search For Supermassive Black Holes In Galactic Nuclei

10 1993ApJ...405..273W
1123.00003/1993A          F  G                              R  C                      U  H  
Woosley, S. E.
Gamma-ray bursts from stellar mass accretion disks around black holes

11 1984RvMP...56..255B
1115.00004/1984A      E                                      R  C                      U      
Begelman, Mitchell C.; Blandford, Roger D.; Rees, Martin J.
Theory of extragalactic radio sources

12 1999ApJ...522...82K
1013.00009/1999A      E  F          X                      R  C      S  N          U  H  
Klypin, Anatoly; Kravtsov, Andrey V.; Valenzuela, Octavio; Prada, Francisco
Where Are the Missing Galactic Satellites?

13 1998RvMP...70....1B
1003.00001/1998A      E                                      R  C                      U      
Balbus, Steven A.; Hawley, John F.
Instability, turbulence, and enhanced transport in accretion disks

14 2006MNRAS.365...11C
992.00001/2006A      E  F  G      X                      R  C      S          O  U      
Croton, Darren J.; Springel, Volker; White, Simon D. M.; De Lucia, G.; Frenk, C. S.; Gao, L.; Jenkins, A.; Kauffmann, G.; Navarro, J. F.; Yoshida, N.
The many lives of active galactic nuclei: cooling flows, black holes and the luminosities and colours of galaxies

15 1999ApJ...524..262M
989.00010/1999A      E  F          X                      R  C      S  N          U  H  
MacFadyen, A. I.; Woosley, S. E.
Collapsars: Gamma-Ray Bursts and Explosions in ``Failed Supernovae''

16 1994ApJ...428L..13N
959.00006/1994A          F  G      X                      R  C                      U  H  
Narayan, Ramesh; Yi, Insu
Advection-dominated accretion: A self-similar solution

17 1984ARA&A..22..471R
957.00000/1984A          F  G                              R  C                      U  H  
Rees, Martin J.
Black Hole Models for Active Galactic Nuclei

18 1995ApJS..101..117K
948.00011/1995A          F  G                  D          R  C      S          O  U      
Kenyon, Scott J.; Hartmann, Lee
Pre-Main-Sequence Evolution in the Taurus-Auriga Molecular Cloud

19 1996Icar..124...62P
906.00011/1996A      E                                      R  C                      U      
Pollack, James B.; Hubickyj, Olenka; Bodenheimer, Peter; Lissauer, Jack J.; Podolak, Morris; Greenzweig, Yuval
Formation of the Giant Planets by Concurrent Accretion of Solids and Gas

20 1984ApJ...286..644N
882.00011/1984A          F  G                              R  C      S          O  U  H  
Nomoto, K.; Thielemann, F.-K.; Yokoi, K.
Accreting white dwarf models of Type I supernovae. III - Carbon deflagration supernovae

21 1952MNRAS.112..195B
875.00000/1952A          F  G                                  C                      U  H  
Bondi, H.
On spherically symmetrical accretion

22 1984ApJS...54..443P
855.00004/1984A          F  G                              R  C      S              U      
Patterson, J.
The evolution of cataclysmic and low-mass X-ray binaries

23 1969MNRAS.145..271L
838.00000/1969A          F  G                              R  C                      U  H  
Larson, Richard B.
Numerical calculations of the dynamics of collapsing proto-star

24 1998ApJ...498..579G
826.00005/1998A      E  F          X          D          R  C      S  N          U  H  
Genzel, R.; Lutz, D.; Sturm, E.; Egami, E.; Kunze, D.; Moorwood, A. F. M.; Rigopoulou, D.; Spoon, H. W. W.; Sternberg, A.; Tacconi-Garman, L. E.; and 2 coauthors
What Powers Ultraluminous IRAS Galaxies?

25 1976ApJ...204..187S
783.00002/1976A          F  G                              R  C      S              U  H  
Shapiro, S. L.; Lightman, A. P.; Eardley, D. M.
A two-temperature accretion disk model for Cygnus X-1 - Structure and spectrum

26 1980A&A....88...23P
756.00008/1980A          F  G                              R  C                  O  U  H  
Paczyńsky, B.; Wiita, P. J.
Thick accretion disks and supercritical luminosities

27 1994ApJ...429..781S
752.00007/1994A          F  G                              R  C      S          O  U  H  
Shu, Frank; Najita, Joan; Ostriker, Eve; Wilkin, Frank; Ruden, Steven; Lizano, Susana
Magnetocentrifugally driven flows from young stars and disks. 1: A generalized model

28 1984ApJS...54..335I
743.00002/1984A          F  G                              R  C      S              U      
Iben, I., Jr.; Tutukov, A. V.
Supernovae of type I as end products of the evolution of binaries with components of moderate initial mass (M not greater than about 9 solar masses)

29 1994ApJS...90..467D
725.00001/1994A          F  G                      T      R  C                      U      
D'Antona, Francesca; Mazzitelli, Italo
New pre-main-sequence tracks for M less than or equal to 2.5 solar mass as tests of opacities and convection model

725.00000/1992A                                                  C              K      U      
Frank, J.; King, A.; Raine, D.
Accretion power in astrophysics.

31 1995Natur.375..659T
700.00006/1995A      E                          D  T      R  C      S  N          U  H  
Tanaka, Y.; Nandra, K.; Fabian, A. C.; Inoue, H.; Otani, C.; Dotani, T.; Hayashida, K.; Iwasawa, K.; Kii, T.; Kunieda, H.; and 2 coauthors
Gravitationally redshifted emission implying an accretion disk and massive black hole in the active galaxy MCG-6-30-15

32 1984PASJ...36..741M
697.00000/1984A          F  G                              R  C      S              U  H  
Mitsuda, K.; Inoue, H.; Koyama, K.; Makishima, K.; Matsuoka, M.; Ogawara, Y.; Suzuki, K.; Tanaka, Y.; Shibazaki, N.; Hirano, T.
Energy spectra of low-mass binary X-ray sources observed from TENMA

33 1995ApJ...452..710N
691.00010/1995A          F  G      X                      R  C      S              U  H  
Narayan, Ramesh; Yi, Insu
Advection-dominated Accretion: Underfed Black Holes and Neutron Stars

34 1995MNRAS.273..837M
685.00004/1995A          F  G                              R  C      S              U  H  
Magdziarz, Pawel; Zdziarski, Andrzej A.
Angle-dependent Compton reflection of X-rays and gamma-rays

35 1984ApJ...277..355W
674.00002/1984A          F  G                              R  C      S              U      
Webbink, R. F.
Double white dwarfs as progenitors of R Coronae Borealis stars and Type I supernovae

36 1991ApJ...370L..39K
665.00003/1991A          F  G                              R  C      S              U      
Koenigl, Arieh
Disk accretion onto magnetic T Tauri stars

37 1989MNRAS.238..729F
650.00005/1989A          F  G                              R  C      S  N          U  H  
Fabian, A. C.; Rees, M. J.; Stella, L.; White, N. E.
X-ray fluorescence from the inner disc in Cygnus X-1

38 2000MNRAS.311..576K
648.00001/2000A      E  F  G      X                      R  C                      U  H  
Kauffmann, Guinevere; Haehnelt, Martin
A unified model for the evolution of galaxies and quasars

39 1979ApJ...234..296G
640.00011/1979A          F  G                              R  C      S          O  U      
Ghosh, P.; Lamb, F. K.
Accretion by rotating magnetic neutron stars. III - Accretion torques and period changes in pulsating X-ray sources

40 1995MNRAS.275..255T
632.00007/1995A          F  G                              R  C      S          O  U  H  
Thompson, Christopher; Duncan, Robert C.
The soft gamma repeaters as very strongly magnetized neutron stars - I. Radiative mechanism for outbursts

41 1988ApJ...332..646A
627.00009/1988A          F  G                              R  C      S              U  H  
Abramowicz, M. A.; Czerny, B.; Lasota, J. P.; Szuszkiewicz, E.
Slim accretion disks

42 1986RvMP...58....1S
626.00001/1986A      E                                      R  C                      U      
Sarazin, Craig L.
X-ray emission from clusters of galaxies

43 1994MNRAS.268..405N
618.00005/1994A          F  G                              R  C      S  N          U  H  
Nandra, K.; Pounds, K. A.
GINGA Observations of the X-Ray Spectra of Seyfert Galaxies

44 1986ARA&A..24..205W
617.00000/1986A          F  G                      T      R  C      S              U  H  
Woosley, S. E.; Weaver, Thomas A.
The physics of supernova explosions

45 1980Natur.287..307B
616.00009/1980A      E                                      R  C                      U      
Begelman, M. C.; Blandford, R. D.; Rees, M. J.
Massive black hole binaries in active galactic nuclei

46 1999MNRAS.303L...1B
612.00002/1999A      E  F  G      X                      R  C                      U  H  
Blandford, Roger D.; Begelman, Mitchell C.
On the fate of gas accreting at a low rate on to a black hole

47 1991PhR...203....1B
608.00000/1991A      E                                      R  C      S              U      
Bhattacharya, D.; van den Heuvel, E. P. J.
Formation and evolution of binary and millisecond radio pulsars

48 1982Natur.295...17R
600.00001/1982A      E                                      R  C                      U  H  
Rees, M. J.; Begelman, M. C.; Blandford, R. D.; Phinney, E. S.
Ion-supported tori and the origin of radio jets

49 1972A&A....21....1P
599.00010/1972A          F  G                              R  C                  O  U      
Pringle, J. E.; Rees, M. J.
Accretion Disc Models for Compact X-Ray Sources

50 2002Sci...295...93A
598.00001/2002A      E  F          X                      R  C                      U      
Abel, Tom; Bryan, Greg L.; Norman, Michael L.
The Formation of the First Star in the Universe

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Databases queried:       Astronomy Physics arXiv e-prints 
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