Relativistic slim disk models

An introduction to slim disks.

Currently, vertical structure of slim disks is developed.

Two archives are available (based on older ApJS 183, 171):

Slim disk solutions for 10 Msun BH (ca 170mb) with no interpolation in BH masses. Enough if you are interested in the effective temperature and disk thickness only (e.g. for ray tracing purposes).

General slim disk solutions (ca 1gb) with masses as an additional degree of freedom. Interpolation in BH masses is implemented. Necessary if you are interested also in other parameters which does not scale with mass e.g. surface density.

Both archives include C interpolation routines you can include in your own code as well as a routine plotting solutions in GIF and PostScript formats.

The manual is available here as the appendix to the paper describing relativistic slim disk model.

Some exemplary figures:

Profiles of surface density for a non-rotating BH and different mass accretion rates:

Disk thickness (H/R ratio) for a non-rotating BH and different mass accretion rates:

Flux emitted at constant luminosity (30% L_Edd) for different BH spins:

Profiles of radial velocity for a non-rotating BH and different accretion rates:

Outcoming flux for a non-rotating BH and different accretion rates:

Surface density profiles at constant luminosity for different values of BH spin:

last update: October 2009; template by