Plasma Turbulence and Energetic Particles in Astrophysics

First Circular

New: Second Circular

New: Third Circular

List of participants


The meeting will be held in Cracow (Poland), in the Jagiellonian University Conference Centre, in the beginning of September 99 - a week from 5th to 11th (Cracow is a nice historical town, 700 000 inhabitants). A number of people expected to participate (by invitation only because of limited space in the Centre) is about 60 - 80. Financing is provided partly by the Heraues foundation from Germany and from the Polish Committee for Scientific Research - thus the conference will be "a German-Polish meeting".

We would like to have this meeting mainly for presentations of up to date reviews encompassing wide range of problems related to turbulence and cosmic ray particles. Of course, short contributions will be also presented, but we plan to shift most of them to the poster sessions. We expect that these presentations will result in a proceedings' book providing an excellent reference for all interested in the subject.

When thinking about the program for the meeting we tried to select problems which are essential for realistic description of cosmic ray particles' transport and acceleration. In our view theoretical models, particularly the numerical ones, are able to consider nearly all conditions in actual objects in the space. However the knowledge of these conditions is limited among theoreticians. Also, the use of theoretical concepts on particle acceleration is quite extravagant among people constructing models, sometimes in a way incompatible with the conditions met in discussed objects. So, to be fruitful the meeting should allow for critical discussions of wide range of theoretical concepts and measurement data. A rough list of topics could be as follows (it will be modified depending on the final list of speakers):

A. Theoretical aspects and models of the turbulence

  1. Homogeneous turbulence
  2. Inhomogeneous turbulence
  3. Shear layers in magnetized plasma
  4. Mode coupling and turbulent cascade
  5. Non-linear and supersonic turbulence
  6. Damping processes: heating the plasma and accelerating particles
  7. Numerical modelling of the turbulence
  8. Turbulence in relativistic fluids

B. Heliosphere: measurements and models

  1. Turbulence in the inner and the outer Solar Wind
  2. Heliospheric shock waves
  3. Measurements in the vicinity of the Earth bow shock
  4. Turbulence with non-vanishing helicity
  5. Turbulence accompanying the magnetic field reconnection in magnetic structures at the Sun and in vicinity of the Earth

C. Interstellar medium turbulence

  1. Interstellar medium: global observations
  2. Interstellar medium: global models
  3. Interstellar medium: turbulence measurements in objects
  4. Global versus local view of turbulence
  5. Toward a realistic model for the interstellar turbulence and the galactic dynamo model

D. Astrophysical jets and accretion disks

  1. Turbulent motions in jets: inside, outside and the boundary layer
  2. Turbulent motions in accretion disks: inside, outside and the boundary layer
  3. Models of particle acceleration in jets
  4. Models of particle acceleration in accretion disks
  5. Principal questions and problems: a discussion

E. Cosmic ray particles interacting with the turbulent plasma

  1. Quasi-linear theory of particle transport
  2. Energetic particle diffusion in turbulent medium
  3. Energetic particle diffusion in the presence of high amplitude waves
  4. Particle cross-field diffusion
  5. Particle momentum diffusion
  6. Stochastic cosmic ray acceleration mechanism (Fermi II) (+ several short contributions on particular objects)
  7. Particle acceleration at non-relativistic shock waves
  8. Particle acceleration at relativistic shock waves
  9. Comparison of the acceleration models to observations (a review and several small contributions)
  10. Fermi I versus Fermi II acceleration

To avoid repeating the same talks and opinions we would prefer younger scientists to give many of the review talks. We are open for suggestions in that matter.


We plan to limit the number of oral presentations in order to provide more time for the speakers. The oral presentations will contain a number of review talks: 40 min oral presentations for long reviews (+ up to 10 min for discussion, with possibility to include 1-2 min presentations of posters or related topics), 30 min for short reviews (+ 5 min discussion), 15 min for shorter contributions ( + 5 min discussion). Most of short contributed papers will be presented as posters and thus reasonably long poster sessions will be included into the program.


We intend to ask all conference participants to provide manuscripts of their contributions in a written form during the meeting, or very soon after it, to prepare a good reference book. Some form of review of contributions before accepting to publication will be done. We are able to print the proceedings volume in Cracow two or three months after receiving all contributions in the LaTeX format.


The conference fee will include ALL local expenses (double hotel room for one week, meals, a conference dinner, expenses of the meeting organization, a copy of proceedings, etc.). Together it amounts to 350 USD per person. We will try to support partly people requesting and students, but it will depend on the range of support from local resources.


S. Grzedzielski, H. Lesch, M. Ostrowski, R. Schlickeiser

Contact persons from the organizing committee:

Michal Ostrowski
Astronomical Observatory
Jagiellonian University
ul. Orla 171
30-244 Kraków, Poland
Reinhard Schlickeiser
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Lehrstuhl IV: Weltraum- und Astrophysik
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
D-44780 Bochum, Germany