Plasma Turbulence and Energetic Particles in Astrophysics

First Circular

Note: a conference e-mail address:

Deadline for providing information about presentations: APRIL 30

Dear Collegue,

below we provide information about the progress in the meeting organization and ask you to provide more detiled information about your contribution. At the end a list of susspected participants - most confirmed - is provided, in some cases with provisional talk titles.

A. Contributions

Please, let you send a title of your talk, a short abstract and suggestions on the presentation form (required time for a talk or choosing a poster presentation). The deadline is the end of April. People, who are not sure which one of their few problems to present are kindly requested to consult M. Ostrowski or R. Schlickeiser. The partcipants suggesting similar talk titles can contact directly to avoid repetitions (e-mail addresses are provided on request). A full list of talks will be provided in the second circular in June,and the respective abstracts will be available at our WWW page at


B. Financial support

All participants who require a financial support are requested to send us a respective information. We expect to be able to waive the conference fee for a number of participants, but we can not support travel expences. Let us remind that the fee covers the living expences during the meeting. In this moment only a limited number of people can be supported, but we still attempt to find additional funding. Decissions respective the scope of support will be anounced as soon as possible, but in some cases may be shifted till the end of June, when the financial situation will be finaly clarified.

C. Correspondence

Correspondence dealing with all sorts of questions or problems related to the meeting or to local conditions in Cracow should be directed to M. Ostrowski to the above conference e-mail address. In urgent issues write directly to M. Ostrowski or R. Schlickeiser.

March 30th