Plasma Turbulence and Energetic Particles in Astrophysics

Second circular

1. Financial support

Information about financial support will be sent by mail to all persons who applied in next 4 days, before June 18th. Everyone who applied for support and did not receive the expected information till this date is kindly requested to contact us immediately.

2. Hotels before and after the meeting

We can help to make hotel reservations for everyone who would like to spend a few days in Cracow before or after the meeting. Please, send us the respective information and we will tryto make reservations in inexpensive good quality hotels downtown Cracow. It can be difficult to find a place later.

3. A preliminary conference time schedule

A preliminary conference schedule and a full list of talks is givenbelow. At the list only a presenting author name is given. Please, let you send us your remarks, suggestions and corrections to this list. Next to each talk an expected presentation time (+ 5 minutes for discussion)is given, "P" is for a poster presentation and "?" for non-confirmed titles or participants.

Sunday, September 5th

10:00 - 22:00       Registration 
20:30 - 22:00       Welcome party 

Monday, September 6th (registration in session breaks)

9:00 - 12:50  Morning session + coffee break 
Opening session - 15 
S. Spangler:   Interstellar turbulence: what radio astronomers can tell 
               plasma theorists - 30+5 
R. Beck:       Studies of turbulent interstellar magnetic fields using 
               polarized radio emission - 40+5 
M. Urbanik:    The role of turbulence in the evolution of galactic magnetic 
               fields - recent observational results - 30+5 
A. Lazarian:   Statistics of HI turbulence - 40+5   
14:30 - 18:45 Evening session + coffee break 
J. Stutzki:     Density structure of molecular clouds - 30+5   
E. Berkhuijsen: Filling factors of ISM phases and turbulent structure - 20+5 
A. Shukurov:   Recent numerical simulations of interstellar turbulence - 30+5  
A. Pouquet:    Magnetized turbulent plasma flows - 40+5
K.-H. Raedler: Dynamo theory  - 40+5   
D. Elstner:    The galactic dynamo - success and limitations of present day 
               models - 40+5
K. Otmianowska-Mazur: Numerical modelling of galactic dynamo processes - 20+5   

Tuesday, September 7th

8:30 - 12:45  Morning session + coffee break 
F. Neubauer:   Turbulence measurements  - 30+5 
T. Horbury:    Observations of interplanetary turbulence - 40+5   
E. Marsch :    Turbulence in Solar Wind - 40+5 
P. Kiraly:     Observational aspects of solar and heliospheric energetic 
               particles - 40+5 
G. Moreno:     Turbulence observed downstream of quasi-parallel and 
               quasi-perpendicular shocks (Voyager 1 and 2 data) - 30+5 
15:00 - 18:30 Evening session + coffee break 
R. Treumann:   Statistical mechanics of turbulent plasmas - 40+5   
A. Bhattcharjee: Reduced models of MHD turbulence: implications for density 
                 fluctuations and anisotropic spectra - 40+5 
R. Grauer :    Modelling of strong MHD turbulence - 40+5   
P. Frick:      Modelling of cascade and dynamo action by shell models 
               of small scale MHD-turbulence - 30+5 
G. Erdos:      Separation of magnetic field lines in the Heliosphere - 20+5 
T. Horbury:    Anisotropy in MHD turbulence - 20+5 

Wednesday, September 8th

8:30 - 12:45  Morning session + coffee break 
R. Schlickeiser: QL theory of cosmic rays in weak MHD turbulence - 40+5   
R. Vainio:     Diffusive shock acceleration  - 40+5  
P. Duffy:      Relativistic shock acceleration - 40+5   
M. Ostrowski:  Particle acceleration in shear layers - 30+5 
G. Michalek:   Numerical modelling of CR cross-field diffusion - 30+5  
M. Hanasz:     Production and propagation of cosmic rays in non-stable 
               galactic magnetic fields - 20+5

14:30 - 22:30 Excursion  downtown Cracow and the Conference Dinner 

Thursday, September 9th

8:30 - 12:45  Morning session + coffee break 
J. Buechner:   Reconnection - 40+5   
E. Vishniac:   Fast reconnection in weakly stochastic fields - 30+5   
U. Paetzold:   (?) - 30+5 
D. Shapakidze: The plasma mechanism of synchrotron knots formation 
               discovered in the Crab nebula - 20+5 
M. Lyutikov:   Coherent emission mechanisms in radio pulsars - 20+5 
D. Khechinashvili: Two-stream instability in the non-stationary pair plasma: 
               excitation of oblique waves - 20+5 
15:00 - 18:30 Evening session + coffee break 
M. Pohl:      Models of particle acceleration in jets - 40+5
G. Birk:      Particle acceleration in extragalactic jets - 20+5   
E. Massaro:   Turbulence and fast optical variability in BL Lac objects - 20+5 
K. Manolakou: Particle acceleration and radiation in the turbulent flow of 
              a jet: 20+5 
W. Dobler:    The Ponomarenko dynamo in astrophysical jets - 20+5 
W. Bednarek:  Gamma rays from interaction of compact objects with 
                  AGN jets 20+5 
R. Henriksen: Generation and collimation of hydrodynamical jets near young 
              stars - 30+5   

Friday, September 10th

8:30 - 12:45  Morning session + coffee break 
D. Gabuzda:  The magnetic field structures of parsec-scale jets: shocks, 
             turbulence, and the surrounding medium - 40+5 
P. Bierman:  What the turbulence might be in the shock regions - 30+5 
W. Maciejewski: Supernovae in turbulent media - 20+5 
D. Sokoloff: Magnetic fronts in galactic dynamos - 20+5 
A. Fletcher: The role of magnetic fields in galactic hydrostatic 
             equilibrium: 30+5 
S. Spangler: Conference summary - theoretical aspects - 20+5  
A. Lazarian: Conference summary - observational aspects - 20+5 
Open questions and unresolved problems - open discussion - 40 

Poster session or undefined

F. Heitsch:   Effects of magnetized turbulence on the structure and dynamical 
              evolution of molecular clouds 
A. Bykov:   Computer modelling of polarization pattern of the spiral galaxies 
              with regular and random magnetic fields 
K. Slivka:    Medium energy (20+5-600 keV) proton flux in vicinity of 
              the Earth's bow shock: INTERBALL-1 overview 
Yu. Fedorov:  Distribution function of cosmic rays in the turbulent 
              interplanetary medium 
M. Hanasz:    Magneto-rotational instability of astrophysical jets 
T. Kobak:     On the role of turbulence in the particle acceleration 
              process in the region of magnetic field reconnection 
J. Bednarz:   Acceleration in ultrarelativistic shock waves 
G. Siemieniec-Ozieblo: On particle acceleration in turbulent media:  
M. Lyutikov:  Scattering and diffraction in magnetospheres of fast pulsars 
I. Roth - ?:  Heliospheric enrichment of rare isotopes and of heavy ions 
              in impulsive flares - application to present measurements and 
              glimpse to the past 
G. Machabeli: Modulational instability of electron-positron plasma in 
              superluminous area 
V. Mel'nik:   Propagation and emission of electron beams in cosmic plasmas 
G. Melikidze: Coherent curvature radiation by Langmuir solitons in the pulsar 
M. Johnston-Hollitt: Are violent cluster mergers a possible site of
              cosmic ray acceleration - Obserwational results A3667
K. Chyzy:     Turbulence and large-scale magnetic fields in irregular 
              galaxies - P
G. Stachowski: Turbulent models of a jet decelaration 
Everyday, starting with a dinner on Sunday and ending with a lunch on Friday: 
7:30 - 8:30 - Breakfast 
13:00 - Lunch 
19:00 - Dinner 


Full list of talks:

A. Theoretical aspects and models of the turbulence 
A. Bhattcharjee: Reduced models of MHD turbulence: implications for density 
                 fluctuations and anisotropic spectra - 40+5 
R. Treumann:     Statistical mechanics of turbulent plasmas - 40+5 
K.-H. Raedler:   Dynamo theory  - 40+5 
E. Vishniac:     Fast reconnection in a weakly stochastic fields - 30+5 
A. Shukurov:   Recent numerical simulations of interstellar turbulence - 40+5 
R. Grauer :      Modelling of strong MHD turbulence - 40+5 
K. Otmianowska-Mazur: Numerical modelling of galactic dynamo processes - 20+5   
U. Paetzold:     ?  
J. Buechner:     Reconnection - 20+5 
W. Maciejewski:  Supernovae in turbulent media - 20+5 
P. Bierman:      What the turbulence might be in the shock regions - 30+5 
A. Fletcher:     The role of magnetic fields in galactic hydrostatic equilibrium: 30+5 
P. Frick:        Modelling of cascade and dynamo action by shell models of 
                 small scale MHD-turbulence - 20+5-30+5 
M. Hanasz:       Production and propagation of cosmic rays in non-stable 
                 galactic magnetic fields - 20+5
D. Khechinashvili: Two-stream instability in the non-stationary pair plasma: 
                 excitation of oblique waves - 20+5 
B. Heliosphere: measurements and models 
F. Neubauer:      Turbulence measurements  - 30+5 
T. Horbury:       Observations of interplanetary turbulence - 40+5 
E. Marsch :       Turbulence in Solar Wind - 40+5 
P. Kiraly:        Observational aspects of solar and heliospheric 
                  energetic particles - 40+5 
G. Moreno:        Turbulence observed downstrream of quasi-parallel and 
                  quasi-perpendicular shocks (Voyager 1 and 2 data) - 30+5 
G. Erdos:        Separation of magnetic field lines in the Heliosphere - 20+5 
T. Horbury:       Anisotropy in MHD turbulence - 20+5 
K. Slivka:        Medium energy (20+5-600 keV) proton flux in vicinity of 
                  the Earth's bow shock INTERBALL-1 overview: P 
Yu. Fedorov:      Distribution function of cosmic rays in the turbulent 
                  interplanetary medium: P 
C. Interstellar medium turbulence 
S. Spangler:      Interstellar turbulence: what radio astronomers can tell 
                  plasma theorists - 30+5 
A. Lazarian:      Statistics of HI turbulence - 30+5 
J. Stutzki:       Density structure of molecular clouds - 30+5 
E. Berkhuijsen:   Filling factors of ISM phases and turbulent structure - 20+5 
R. Beck:          Studies of turbulent interstellar magnetic fields using 
                  polarized radio emission - 40+5 
A. Pouquet        Magnetized turbulent plasma flows - 40+5 
M. Urbanik:       The role of turbulence in the evolution of galactic magnetic 
                  fields - recent observational results - 30+5 
A. Shukurov:      Multiphase interstellar medium agitated by supernova 
                  explosions  - 20+5 
F. Heitsch:       Effects of magnetized turbulence on the structure and 
                  dynamical evolution of molecular clouds: P 
A. Bykov:         Computer modeling of polarization pattern of the spiral 
                  galaxies with regular and random magnetic fields: P 
D. Sokoloff:      Magnetic fronts in galactic dynamos - 20+5 
D. Elstner:       The galactic dynamo - success and limitations of 
                  present day models - 40+5
K. Chyzy:         Turbulence and large-scale magnetic fields in 
                  irregular galaxies - P
D. Astrophysical jets and accretion disks 
G. Birk:          Particle acceleration in extragalactic jets - 20+5 
D. Gabuzda:       The magnetic field structures of parsec-scale jets: shocks, 
                  turbulence, and the surrounding medium - 40+5 
E. Massaro:     Turbulence and fast optical variability in BL Lac objects - 20+5 
R. Henriksen:     Generation and collimation of hydrodynamical jets near young 
                  stars - 30+5 
K. Manolakou:     Particle acceleration and radiation in the turbulent 
                  flow of a jet - 20+5 
M. Pohl:          Models of particle acceleration in jets - 40+5
W. Dobler:        The Ponomarenko dynamo in astrophysical jets - 20+5 
M. Hanasz:        Magneto-rotational instability of astrophysical jets - P
W. Bednarek       Gamma rays from interaction of compact objects with 
                  AGN jets -  20+5 
G. Stachowski: Turbulent models of a jet decelaration - P 
E. Cosmic ray particles interacting with turbulent plasma 
R. Schlickeiser : QL theory of cosmic rays in weak MHD turbulence - 40+5   
R. Vainio:        Diffusive shock acceleration  - 40+5 
P. Duffy:         Relativistic shock acceleration - 40+5 
M. Ostrowski:     Particle acceleration in shear layers - 30+5 
G. Michalek:      Numerical modelling of CR cross-field diffusion - 30+5 
T. Kobak:         On the role of turbulence in the particle acceleration 
                  process in the region of magnetic field reconnection - P 
J. Bednarz        Acceleration in ultrarelativistic shock waves - P 
G. Siemieniec-Ozieblo: On particle acceleration in turbulent media - P 
F. Other 
D. Shapakidze: The plasma mechanism of synchrotron knots formation discovered 
                  in the Crab nebula - 20+5 
I. Roth - ?:   Heliospheric enrichment of rare isotopes and of heavy ions 
               in impulsive flares - application to present measurements and 
               glimpse to the past - P 
G. Machabeli:  Modulational instability of electron-positron plasma in 
               superluminous area - P 
V. Mel'nik:    Propagation and emission of electron beams in cosmic 
               plasmas - P 
G. Melikidze:  Coherent curvature radiation by Langmuir solitons in 
               the pulsar magnetosphere - P 
M. Lyutikov:   Coherent emission mechanisms in radio pulsars - 20+5 
M. Lyutikov:   Scattering and diffraction in magnetospheres of fast pulsars - P 
M. Johnston-Hollitt: Are violent cluster mergers a possible site of
               cosmic ray acceleration - Obserwational results A3667 - P