Plasma Turbulence and Energetic Particles in Astrophysics

Third Circular on hotels, conference fee, proceedings, currency, travel, etc.


The meeting will be held in the Jagiellonian University Conference Centre in Cracow (in Polish: Kraków), in the week from 5th to 10th September. The meeting place is 5 km from the Kraków city centre and 5 km from the Balice Airport, where on a limestone hill surrounded by greenery the Polonia Institute of the Jagiellonian University is situated. The address is:

Instytut Polonijny UJ
ul. Jodlowa 13
30-252 Kraków - Przegorzaly

Destination for a taxi driver: "Instytut Polonijny w Przegorzalach - hotel"

Telephone: 429-71-10, 429-76-32 (add 0-12 from outside Kraków)

Fax: 429-93-51

All participants, who did not request a different booking, will be accommodated in the Conference Centre Hotel. In the same place lecture rooms are situated. Meals will be served in a restaurant "U Ziyada", ca 100 m away from the hotel. Please, note that all changes of reservations should be done through us, NOT directly with the hotel.


The conference fee of 350 USD (600 DM or 1260 zl or an equivalent in other exchangeable currency) will include ALL local expenses (a hotel room for a period from Sunday, Sept. 5th, to Friday, Sept. 10th, meals, a conference dinner, expenses of the meeting organization, a copy of proceedings, etc.). It can be paid with a bank transfer to our bank account:

BPH IV O/Kraków
Wydz. Mat-Fiz.
No. 10601389-320000477690

(please, indicate at the transfer form a word "TURBULENCE", and "FEE PAYMENT")

One can also send us a check issued for "Astronomical Observatory, Jagiellonian University", for the address of M. Ostrowski:

Dr. M. Ostrowski
Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UJ
ul. Orla 171
30-244 Kraków, Poland

All received checks will be acknowledged by e-mail.

Finally, one can pay the fee at the conference desk at the beginning of the conference. Please note, that we can accept only cash payments then.


We ask all conference participants to provide manuscripts of their contributions during the meeting, or very soon after it (till the end of September), to prepare together a good reference book. A simple review of all contributions will be done by the editors. The proceedings volume will be printed in Kraków till the end of 1999. This very fast procedure is forced also by the support we obtained for this publication, which requires (!) it to be ready before the end of the year (we lose the money otherwise). Due to this constraint we kindly request all participants to provide their contributions in time.

Preliminary data on the publication:

"Plasma Turbulence and Energetic Particles in Astrophysics",
eds. M. Ostrowski & R. Schlickeiser, Cracow (1999)
Published by: Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University,
Address: ul. Orla 171, 30-244 Kraków, Poland

The LaTeX macro for the proceedings will be sent by mail in next days. Submissions should be done in electronic form at a floppy diskette or via e-mail, and should include LaTeX file, all figures in postscript, a postscript of the full paper. There is a suggestion from the editors to limit submissions to 4 pages for posters, 6 pages for 20 minutes talks, 8 pages for 30 min talks and 10 pages for 40 min talks. In cases of review talks extensions of these limits can be negotiated with us.


The Polish currency unit is "zloty" (zl), it divides for 100 "grosz" (gr). The exchange rates are approximately

1 USD = 4 zl (more exactly 3.9)
1 DM = 2 zl ( more exactly 2.1)

In Poland, one often needs money in cash. Credit cards are accepted only in some shops, restaurants and taxis. To exchange money, please, use the official exchange offices. In such offices, exchange rates are usually slightly worse in airports and banks in comparison to private exchange offices, but the difference is not too significant. All prices below are given for orientation only.

How to reach the meeting place?

Please, let you inform us about your arrival details. If possible, we will try to help participants to reach the conference centre from the airport and from the train station. However, in some cases it can be impossible. Then, please, use the advice provided below.

A. Travelling to Cracow (in Polish: Kraków)

The most convenient connection is via a direct flight to the Kraków international airport BALICE. It has connections with several European cities. From the airport one can reach the Conference Centre in 10 minutes by taxi (30 zl).

Other option is to fly to Warsaw. From the airport Okecie there are public and private busses carrying passengers in ca 20 minutes to the Warsaw train station "Warszawa Centralna". There take an express or IC train (see a timetable below, one can also buy a train ticket in the airport) to reach Kraków in less than 3 hours. A one way second class ticket costs around 60 zl. From the Kraków main station "Kraków Glowny" one can reach the Conference Centre by taxi (20 min, 30-40 zl) or by public transportation (see below).

There is also a nearby international airport Pyrzowice in Katowice (100 km from Kraków). To reach Kraków one has to take an airport bus to Katowice train station, and continue with a local train to Kraków.

From most European countries it is possible to travel to Kraków with a bus. The travel is cheap (usually below 100 USD for a round trip), but may be tired.

B. The conference centre

Jagiellonian University Conference Centre is situated on a one of hills stretched along a Wisla river, on the left riverside. We explain how to reach it by car and by public transportation.

When approaching Kraków by car from the West (from Katowice), along the highway, please, turn right to the Balice Airport. Then, leaving the airport at the side, continue some two kilometres further and depart to Kraków - CENTRUM, before crossing the river (don't worry, it is possible to turn back after crossing the river). Continue to the left along the road to the Kraków centre, between the hills and the river, for about 3 km. Then you arrive to a small "village" Przegorzaly with a "castle" on a hill on the left. Turn left, and again - after some 200 m - turn left through the brick gate to the steep narrow road leading up. After climbing the hill you reach a small rondo in front of the "castle" building. There you are allowed to drive to a parking place near the hotel 100 m to the right.

When driving from downtown, please, direct to the river, then - before crossing it - turn right (to the West). Follow the road along the river up to Przegorzaly (ca 5 km), with a "castle" on a hill on the right. Then turn right and continue as described above.

Public transportation: buy a time ticket "Bilet czasowy" (approx. 2 zl) valid for 1 hour in all ordinary trams and buses - one must validate the ticket after boarding a first tram or bus. Take a tram 32 from the main station or other stops in downtown to Salwator (end loop). Then change to one of busses: 109, 209, 229, 239, 249, 259, 269. Get off at the fifth stop (on request !) "Przegorzaly", and follow to the right on foot, as described above.

For a taxi one can call, e.g., 9661 or 4238000.


A train time table from Warsaw (Warszawa Centralna) to Cracow (Kraków Glowny). Only express and IC trains are included (travel time 2h 35-45min). With "---" a lack of a given train is indicated.

      September 5th          *    September 10th ,  11th ,  12th 
Warszawa Centralna --> Krakow Glowny --> Warszawa Centralna 
 6:15                   8:50 *  6:05       8:50 
 7:15                   9:50 *  7:05       9:50              --- 
 8:15                  10:50 *  8:05      10:50 
 9:15                  11:50 *  9:05      11:50              --- 
11:15                  13:50 * 10:05      12:50 
13:15                  15:50 * 11:05      13:50 
14:15                  16:50 * 12:05      14:50 
15:15                  17:50 * 14:05      16:50      --- 
16:15                  18:50 * 15:05      17:50 
17:15                  19:50 * 16:05      18:50 
18:15                  20:50 * 18:05      20:50 
19:15                  21:50 * 19:05      21:50      --- 
                             * 20:05      22:50      --- 

Warnings and advices

Poland, and particularly Kraków is a relatively safety place. However some safety measures can be useful to keep your stay here a pleasant one. In particular one should be careful with his belongings and valets in public transportation and train stations, and (!) when entering the train.

In September weather in Southern Poland is usually fine and warm (18-24 Celsius degrees during the day, 14-18 in the night). However, a climate is variable and heavy rains as well as very cold periods may occur.

In Warsaw and Cracow, to hire a taxi directly from a queue in the airport or the train station can be much more (!) expensive than the taxi requested by telephone. We encourage you to use this second option. Telephone cards and tickets for public transportation can be bought in most newspaper stands.

Please, ask all further particular questions to the conference e-mail address. Due to the vacation period a replay may be somewhat delayed, sorry.

See you in Kraków,

M. Ostrowski, R. Schlickeiser

Michal Ostrowski
Astronomical Observatory
Jagiellonian University
ul. Orla 171
30-244 Kraków, Poland
Reinhard Schlickeiser
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Lehrstuhl IV: Weltraum- und Astrophysik
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
D-44780 Bochum, Germany