Welcome to YERAC '97 home page.
This Web page is hosted by the Jagiellonian University Observatory

About YERAC | LOC | Participants | Abstracts | Program | Getting to Kraków | Getting to conference place | Practical information | Acknowledgments

What is YERAC

YERAC stands for Young European Radio Astronomers Conference. For the last 30 years it has been hosted by radio astronomy institutions in France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Poland, the former USSR and Spain. More...

When and where

30th YERAC will be held in Kraków, Poland on September 14-19, 1997. The conference center is located in Kolegium Polonijne in Przegorzaly, the green outskirts of the town, about 20 min driving distance from the center.

Scientific program

updated.gif (1584 bytes)We will start with the registration on Sunday, September 14, at 2 p.m. The last session will take place on Thursday, September 18. More...

List of participants

There are 55 registered participants from 14 European countries between the United Kingdom and Georgia. More...

The organizers

YERAC '97 is organized by the Jagiellonian University Observatory. The two bigwigs in the Local Organizing Committee are Krzysztof Chyzy (chris@oa.uj.edu.pl) and Stanislaw Rys (strys@oa.uj.edu.pl).

How to contact us

You can contact the Organizing Committee by e-mail: yerac@oa.uj.edu.pl, phone: (+48-12) 4251294 or fax: (+48-12) 4251318. The s-mail address is: YERAC Organizing Committee, OAUJ, Orla 171, 30-244 Kraków, Poland.


In accordance with 30-year tradition, the YERAC participants have to pay travel expenses, but the organizers cover all local costs -- hotel in the conference center and meals.


The proceedings of YERAC will be published as a special volume of Acta Cosmologica. The deadline for submission to the proceedings is October 14. You can write down up to 4 pages. We strongly encourage you to bring the proceedings text with you when you arrive to Kraków. Latex macros and sample files can be found at ftp directory ftp.oa.uj.edu.pl/pub/yerac/proc/ or at URL www.oa.uj.edu.pl/yerac/proc/.

Useful information

Looking for some information about presentations, lectures, e-mail, food and offered attractions? More...


Abstracts and oral presentations have been divided into five sessions. More...

Getting to Kraków

The international airport Balice, located in the suburbs of Kraków can be reached by plane from many European cities. Alternatively, you can fly to Warszawa and then go to Kraków by the express train. More...

Getting to the conference centre

updated.gif (1584 bytes)Due to road-work the way to get to the conference centre has changed. New maps are here!

Public transportation in Kraków is frequent and decent. You can reach the conference center by bus both from the airport and the railway station. Taxi is the simplest solution, however it can be expensive. More...


Our meeting was made possible due to generous support on the part of a number of institutions and companies. We would like to express our deep gratitude to all the benefactors.

Facts for a traveller

So you are going to Poland. Take your chance and visit the most interesting places in our country. But first read some basic facts important for a traveller. More...

This page is maintained by Marek Gierlinski (gier@oa.uj.edu.pl)
Last updated on September 10, 1997