Key science projects

LOFAR key projects: from the ionosphere and planets to protogalaxies and the reionisation epoch.

ksp Astronomers from Cracov participate mainly in Cosmic Magnetism and Sky Surveys projects.

The team of radio astronomers at the Jagiellonian University Astronomical Observatory is mainly interested in using the LOFAR interferometer to study the magnetic fields of various objects in the Universe. Observations of galactic magnetic halos have not been possible until now. Thanks to LOFA, these halos can be studied in the regions where they are connected to the intergalactic medium. The magnetic fields of galaxies from even the most distant Universe will be studied. This will answer the question of how magnetic fields affect the evolution of galaxies. Such observations will place strong constraints on the turbulent dynamo theory that is currently used to describe the process of field generation in nearby galaxies. Observations of fields in groups and clusters of galaxies are also planned.

The instrument's high sensitivity to extended structures will also allow detailed studies of giant radio galaxies and quasars, which are among the research topics of astronomers at our Astronomical Observatory.

The latest observational projects, both on our own and in international collaboration

LC20_005  -  LoLSS-Deep: deep LBA observations of the best-studied extragalactic

LC18_012  -  The LOFAR LBA Survey of the Virgo Cluster

LC13_030  -  Quintet re-visited: a deep search for extended continuum emission and intergalactic polarisation inside a compact galaxy group

LC13_023  -  Deep Polarization Observations of the GOODS-N Field with LOFAR

LC12_017  -  The LOFAR LBA sky survey

LC11_013  -  A LOFAR HBA survey of SINGS galaxies

LC11_010  -  The LOFAR/eRosita survey of the Virgo cluster

LT10_010  -  The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey: Opening up a new window on the Universe


MNiSW SPUB Utrzymanie stacji systemu LOFAR w Łazach na potrzeby udziału w programie ILT (2022-2024)

MNiSW SPUB Utrzymanie stacji systemu LOFAR w Łazach na potrzeby udziału w programie International LOFAR Teleskope (ILT) (2019-2021)

NCN OPUS 15 Badanie niejednorodności zjonizowanego ośrodka międzygwiazdowego za pomocą obserwacji pulsarów polskimi stacjami radioteleskopu LOFAR, 2019-2021, kier. części partnera (UJ)

NCN Uwertura 2 Więcej niż grupa, mniej niż gromada: niskoczęstotliwościowe badania nietypowych, małolicznych układów galaktyk przy użyciu interferometru LOFAR i przeglądu LoTSS, 2018

MNiSW SPUB Utrzymanie stacji systemu LOFAR w Łazach na potrzeby udziału w programie International LOFAR Teleskope (ILT) (2016-2018)

NCN PRELUDIUM UMO-2013/09/N/ST9/02511 Własności emisji radiowej galaktyk na niskich częstotliwościach radiowych

MNiSW 2013 Dotacja celowa w zakresie budowy polskich stacji europejskiego interferometru radiowego LOFAR, Konsorcjum POLFAR