Archive list of publications of OAUJ For current search please use UJ Repository
YEAR 2013 |
Last modified: July 22 2014 14:57 |
2013,A&A,550,4 | | H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A.G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; ... Jamrozy, M.; Ostrowski, M.; Stawarz, L.; Szostek, A.; Wierzcholska, A. and 182 coauthors | | Measurement of the extragalactic background light imprint on the spectra of the brightest blazars observed with H.E.S.S. |
2013,ApJ,764,5 | | Pihajoki, P.; Valtonen, M.; Zola, S.; Liakos, A.; Drozdz, M.; Winiarski, M.; Ogloza, W.; Koziel-Wierzbowska, D.; Provencal, J.; Nilsson, K. and 12 coauthors | | Precursor Flares in OJ 287 |
2013,PhRvLett,110d,1301 | | Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A.G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y,; Becker, Tjus J.; ... Jamrozy, M.; Ostrowski, M.; Stawarz, L.; Szostek, A.; Wierzcholska, A. and 187 coauthors | | Search for Photon-Linelike Signatures from Dark Matter Annihilations with H.E.S.S. |
2013,Lunar&PlanetaryScienceConf.,1719,2906 | | Kozakiewicz, Joanna | | Automated Image Analysis for Measuring Size and Shape of Martian Sand Grains: A Tool to Estimate Threshold Shear Velocities and to Compare Different Sand Samples |
2013,A&A,551,26 | | H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A.G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; ...Jamrozy, M.; Ostrowski, M.; Stawarz, L.; Szostek, A.; Wierzcholska, A. and 190 coauthors | | Search for very-high-energy γ-ray emission from Galactic globular clusters with H.E.S.S. |
2013,MNRAS,430,2137 | | Konar, C.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Jamrozy, M.; Croston, J.H. | | Episodic radio galaxies J0116-4722 and J1158+2621: can we constrain the quiescent phase of nuclear activity? |
2013,MNRAS,428,1424 | | Marchetti, A.; Granett, B.R.; Guzzo, L.; Fritz, A.; Garilli, B.; Scodeggio, M.; Abbas, U.; Adami, C.; Arnouts, S.; Bolzonella, M.; ... Pollo, A. and 43 coauthors | | The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS): spectral classification through principal component analysis |
2013,ApJ,764,43 | | Singal, J.; Petrosian, V.; Stawarz, L.; Lawrence, A. | | The Radio and Optical Luminosity Evolution of Quasars. II. The SDSS Sample |
2013,ApJ,764,162 | | O Sulivan, S.P.; Feain, I.J.; McClure-Griffiths, N.M.; Ekers, R.D.; Carretti, E.; Robishaw, T.; Mao, S.A.; Gaensler, B.M.; Bland Hawthorn, J.; Stawarz, L. | | Thermal Plasma in the Giant Lobes of the Radio Galaxy Centaurus A |
2013,A&A,550,66 | | Katsuta, J.; Tanaka, Y.T.; Stawarz, L.; O Sulivan, S.P.; Cheung, C.C.; Kataoka, J.; Funk, S.; Yuasa, T.; Odaka, H.; Takahashi, T.; Swoboda, J. | | Fermi-LAT and Suzaku observations of the radio galaxy Centaurus B |
2013,Astropart.Phys.,43,3 | | Acharya, B.S.; Actis, M.; Aghajani, T.; Agnetta, G.; Aguilar, J.; Aharonian, J.; Ajello, M.; Akhperjanian, A.; Alcubierre, M.; Aleksic, J.; ... Jamrozy, M.; Ostrowski, M.; Stawarz, L.; Szostek, A.; Wierzcholska, A. and 962 coauthors | | ntroducing the CTA concept |
2013,A&A,551,94 | | H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A.G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; ... Jamrozy, M.; Ostrowski, M.; Stawarz, L.; Szostek, A.; Wierzcholska, A. and 192 coauthors | | H.E.S.S. observations of the binary system PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 around the 2010/2011 periastron passage |
2013,ApJ,766,48 | | Stawarz, L.; Tanaka, Y.T.; Madejski, G.; O Sullivan, S.P.; Cheung, C.C.; Feain, I.J.; Fukazawa, Y.; Gandhi, P.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Kataoka, J.; ... Ostrowski, M. and 7 coauthors | | Giant Lobes of Centaurus A Radio Galaxy Observed with the Suzaku X-Ray Satellite |
2013,Astropart.Phys.,43,301 | | Paredes, J.M.; Bednarek, W.; Bordas, P.; Bosch-Ramon, V.; De Gea del Pozo, E.; Dubus, G.; Funk, S.; Hadasch, D.; Khangulyan, D.; Markoff, S.; ... Szostek, A. and 13 coauthors | | Binaries with the eyes of CTA |
2013,AmericanInst.ofPhys.Conf.Proc.,1514,143 | | Urbanowski, K.; Szydlowski, M. | | Cosmology with a decaying vacuum |
2013,AmericanInst.ofPhys.Conf.Proc.,1514,191 | | Hrycyna, Orest; Szydlowski, Marek | | Dynamics of the Bianchi I model with non-minimally coupled scalar field near the singularity |
2013,ApJ.,765,62 | | Sikora, Marek; Stasinska, Grazyna; Koziel-Wierzbowska, Dorota; Madejski, Greg M.; Asari, Natalia V. | | Constraining Jet Production Scenarios by Studies of Narrow-line Radio Galaxies |
2013,IAUSymp.,290,215 | | Godlowski, Wlodzimierz; Pollo, Agnieszka; Golbiak, Jacek | | Problems of Clustering of Radiogalaxies |
2013,Astropart.Phys.,43,142 | | Takahashi, Tadayuki; Uchiyama, Yasunobu; Stawarz, Lukasz | | Multiwavelength Astronomy and CTA: X-rays |
2013,ApJ,766,L11 | | Saito, S.; Stawarz, L.; Tanaka, Y. T.; Takahashi, T.; Madejski, G.; D'Ammando, F. | | Very Rapid High-amplitude Gamma-Ray Variability in Luminous Blazar PKS 1510-089 Studied with Fermi-LAT |
2013,A&A,553,116 | | Vollmer, B.; Soida, M.; Beck, R.; Chung, A.; Urbanik, M.; Chyzy, K.T.; Otmianowska-Mazur, K.; Kenney, J.D.P. | | Large-scale radio continuum properties of 19 Virgo cluster galaxies. The influence of tidal interactions, ram pressure stripping, and accreting gas envelopes |
2013,AN,334,333 | | Rottgering, H.; van Weeren. R.; Bruggen, M.; Croston, J.; Hoeft, M.; Ogrean, G.; Barthel, P.; Best, P.; Bonafede, A.; Brunetti, G.; ... Chyzy, K. and 19 coauthors | | The Sausage'' and Toothbrush'' clusters of galaxies and the prospects of LOFAR observations of clusters of galaxies |
2013,A&A,552,118 | | H.E.S.S.Collaboration ; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Akhperjanian, A.G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; Becker, Tjus J.; ... Jamrozy, M.; Ostrowski, M.; Stawarz, L.; Szostek, A.; Wierzcholska, A. and 191 coauthors | | Discovery of TeV γ-ray emission from PKS 0447-439 and derivation of an upper limit on its redshift |
2013,A&A,554,72 | | H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Angüner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; ...Jamrozy, M.; Ostrowski, M.; Stawarz, L.; Szostek, A.; Wierzcholska, A. and 197 coauthors | | Discovery of high and very high-energy emission from the BL Lacertae object SHBL J001355.9-185406 |
2013,A&A,554,107 | | H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Becherini, Y.; ...Jamrozy, M.; Ostrowski, M.; Stawarz, L.; Szostek, A.; Wierzcholska, A. and 192 coauthors | | H.E.S.S. discovery of VHE γ-rays from the quasar PKS 1510-089 |
2013,IEEE Transact.onAternasandPropag.,61,4,2269 | | Kulak, A.; Mlynarczyk, J | | ELF Propagation Parameters for the Ground-Ionosphere Waveguide With Finite Ground Conductivity |
2013,EGUGen.Ass.,13232 | | Kulak, Andrzej; Mlynarczyk, Janusz; Kozakiewicz, Joanna | | Influence of a multi-layered planetary ground on the propagation of ELF electromagnetic field pulses |
2013,EGUGen.Ass.,12862 | | Kozakiewicz, Joanna; Kulak, Andrzej; Mlynarczyk, Janusz | | Schumann Resonance on Mars: A Tool for the Investigation of the Electrical Properties of the Martian Environment |
2013,Advances in Space Research,52,521 | | Michalek, Grzegorz; Yashiro, Seiji | | CMEs and active regions on the sun |
2013,Astropart.Phys.,44,76 | | Adams, J.H.; Ahmad, S.; Albert, J.-N.; Allard, D.; Ambrosio, M.; Anchordoqui, L.; Anzalone, A.; Arai, Y.; Aramo, C.; Asano, K.; ... Siemieniec-Ozieblo, G. and 250 coauthors | | An evaluation of the exposure in nadir observation of the JEM-EUSO mission |
2013,A&A,553,4 | | Nikiel-Wroczynski, B.; Soida, M.; Urbanik, M.; Wezgowiec, M.; Beck, R.; Bomans, D.J.; Adebahr, B. | | Radio continuum observations of the Leo Triplet at 2.64 GHz |
2013,CentralEurop.Astroph.Bull.,37,79 | | Zola, S.; Zejda, M.; Siwak, M.; de Villiers, S.N. | | Rediscussion of the Early Type Eclipsing Binary SV Cen |
2013,CentralEurop.Astroph.Bull.,37,195 | | Jableka, D.; Zola, S.; Kreiner, J. M.; Zakrzewski, B. | | Investigation of O-C Changes in a Sample of Eclipsing Binary Systems |
2013,CentralEurop.Astroph.Bull.,37,227 | | Zola, S.; Baran, A. | | Modeling the Reflection Effect in the Binary System 2M 1938+4603 |
2013,AcA,63,41 | | Baran, A. S.; Winiarski, M.; Siwak, M.; Fox-Machado, l.; Koziel-Wierzbowska, D.; Krzesinski, J.; Drozdz, M.; Winans, A. | | Mt. Suhora Survey - Searching for Pulsating M Dwarfs. III |
2013,EarthPlanets&Space,65,229 | | Siudek, M.; Pollo, A.; Takeuchi, T.T.; Ita, Y.; Kato, D.; Onaka, T. | | Infrared composition of the Large Magellanic Cloud |
2013,EarthPlanets&Space,65,273 | | Pollo, A.; Takeuchi, T.T.; Suzuki, T.L.; Oyabu, S. | | Clustering of far-infrared galaxies in the AKARI All-Sky Survey |
2013,A&A,558,72 | | Jacobelli, M.; Haverkorn, M.; Orru, E.; Pizzo, R.F.; Anderson, J.; Beck, R.; Bell, M.R.; Bonafede, A.; Chyzy, K.; Dettmar, R.-J.; ... Jurusik, W. and 77 coauthors | | Studying Galactic interstellar turbulence through fluctuations in synchrotron emission. First LOFAR Galactic foreground detection |
2013,AdvancesinAstron.andSpacePhysics,3,42 | | Kuzmicz, A.; Jamrozy, M. | | Central black holes in giant radio quasars |
2013,MNRAS,434,1889 | | HESS Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A.G.; Anguner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; ... Jamrozy, M.; Ostrowski, M.; Stawarz, L.; Szostek, A.; Wierzcholska, A. and 202 coauthors | | HESS and Fermi-LAT discovery of γ-rays from the blazar 1ES 1312-423 |
2013,msao.confE.,109 | | Zola, S.; Nicewicz, J.; Kuzmicz, A.; Kundera, T.; Winiarski, M.; Jableka, D.; Debski, B.; Drozdz, M.; Koziel-Wierzbowska, D.; Szymanski, T. | | A Photometric Study of the Massive Eclipsing Binary V729 Cyg |
2013,ApJ,774,157 | | Dainotti, Maria Giovanna; Petrosian, Vahe; Singal, Jack; Ostrowski, Michal | | Determination of the Intrinsic Luminosity Time Correlation in the X-Ray Afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts |
2013,Astropart.Phys.,44,76 | | Adams, J.H.; Ahmad, S.; Albert, J.-N.; Allard, D.; Ambrosio, M.; Anchordoqui, L.; Anzalone, A.; Arai, Y.; Aramo, C.; Asano, K.; ... Siemieniec-Ozieblo, G. and 250 coauthors | | An evaluation of the exposure in nadir observation of the JEM-EUSO mission |
2013,MNRAS,435,149 | | Nikiel-Wroczynski, B.; Soida, M.; Urbanik, M.; Beck, R.; Bomans, D.J. | | Intergalactic magnetic fields in Stephan's Quintet |
2013,HEADmeeting-AmericanAstron.Soc.,1330008 | | Nalewajko, Krzysztof; Sikora, M.; Madejski, G.M.; Exter, K.; Szostek, A.; Szczerba, R.; Kidger, M.R.; Lorente, R. | | Herschel Observations of Blazars PKS 1510-089 and AO 0235+164 |
2013,PhRvD,88f,4018 | | Hrycyna, Orest; Szydlowski, Marek | | Brans-Dicke theory and the emergence of ΛCDM model |
2013,MNRAS,436,1408 | | Qian, S.-B.; Shi, G.; Zola, S.; Koziel-Wierzbowska, D.; Winiarski, M.; Szymanski, T.; Ogloza, W.; Li, L.-J.; Zhu, L.-Y.; Liu, L. and 6 coauthors | | A search for substellar objects orbiting the sdB eclipsing binary HS 0705+6700 |
2013,AJ,146,54 | | Makadam, Anjum S.; Townsley, D.M.; Szkody, Paula; Gansicke, B.T.; Southworth, J.; Brockett, T.; Parsons, S.; Hermes, J.J.; Montgomery, M.H.; Winget, D.E.; ... Zola, S.; Szymanski, T. and 10 coauthors | | Enigmatic Recurrent Pulsational Variability of the Accreting White Dwarf EQ Lyn (SDSS J074531.92+453829.6) |
2013,PhRvD,88j,2003 | | Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Ait Benkhali, F.; Akhperjanian, A.G.; Anguner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; ... Jamrozy M.; Ostrowski, M.; Stawarz, L.; Szostek, A.; Wierzcholska, A. and 199 coauthors | | Constraints on axionlike particles with H.E.S.S. from the irregularity of the PKS 2155-304 energy spectrum |
2013,A&A,559,136 | | H.E.S.S. Collaboration; Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Ait Benkhali, F.; Akhperjanian, A.G.; Anguner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; ... Jamrozy, M.; Ostrowski, M.; Stawarz, L.; Szostek, A.; Wierzcholska, A. and 199 coauthors | | Discovery of very high energy γ-ray emission from the BL Lacertae object PKS 0301-243 with H.E.S.S. |
2013,JournalofCosm.&Astropart.Phys.,12,016 | | Hrycyna, Orest; Szydlowski, Marek | | Dynamical complexity of the Brans-Dicke cosmology |
2013,EarthPlanets&Space,65,1109 | | Pollo, A.; Takeuchi, T.T.; Solarz, A.; Rybka, P.; Suzuki, T.L.; Pepiak, A.; Oyabu, S. | | Clustering of far-infrared galaxies in the AKARI All-Sky Survey North |
2013,PASP,125,1119 | | Popowicz, A.; Kurek, A.R.; Filus, Z. | | Bad Pixel Modified Interpolation for Astronomical Images |
2013,EarthPlanets&Space,65,1101 | | Malek, U.; Pollo, A.; Takeuchi, T.T.; Giovannoli, E.; Buat, V.; Burgarella, D.; Malkan, M.; Kurek, A. | | Dusty Universe viewed by AKARI far infrared detector |
2013,ApJ,775,94 | | Volonteri, M.; Sikora, M.; Lasota, J.-P.; Merloni, A. | | The Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei and their Spins |
2013,JournalofCosm.&Astropart.Phys.,12,051 | | Lavinto, Mikko; Rasanen, Syksy; Szybka, Sebastian J. | | Average expansion rate and light propagation in a cosmological Tardis spacetime |
2013,MNRAS,436,82 | | Dainotti, M.-G.; Cardone, V.F.; Piedipalumbo, E.; Capozziello, S. | | Slope evolution of GRB correlations and cosmology |
2013,ApJ,773,186 | | Cara, Mihai; Perlman, Eric S.; Uchiyama, Yasunobu; Cheung, Chi C.; Coppi, Paolo S.; Georganopoulos, Markos; Worrall, Diana M.; Birkinshaw, Mark; Sparks, William B.; Marshall, Herman L.; Stawarz, Lukasz and 3 coauthors | | Polarimetry and the High-energy Emission Mechanisms in Quasar Jets: The Case of PKS 1136-135 |
2013,ApJ,777,L18 | | Tanaka, Y.T.; Cheung, C.C.; Inoue, Y.; Stawarz, L.; Ajello, M.; Dermer, C.D.; Wood, D.L.; Chekhtman, A.; Fukazawa, Y.; Mizuno, T. and 3 coauthors | | Fermi Large Area Telescope Detection of Two Very-high-energy (E > 100 GeV) γ-Ray Photons from the z = 1.1 Blazar PKS 0426–380 |
2013,ApJ,779,57 | | Kataoka, J.; Tahara, M.; Totani, T.; Sofue, Y.; Stawarz, L.; Takahashi, Y.; Takeuchi, Y.; Tsunemi, H.; Kimura, M.; Takei, Y. and 3 coauthors | | Suzaku Observations of the Diffuse X-Ray Emission across the Fermi Bubbles' Edges |
2013,ApJ,779,131 | | Hayashida, Masaaki; Stawarz, Lukasz; Cheung, Chi C.; Bechtol, Keith; Madejski, Greg M.; Ajello, Marco; Massaro, Francesco; Moskalenko, Igor Igor V.; Strong, Andrew; Tibaldo, Luigi | | Discovery of GeV Emission from the Circinus Galaxy with the Fermi Large Area Telescope |
2013,ApJSupp.,209,34 | | Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Allafort, A.; Atwood, W.B.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Bechtol, K.; Belfore, A.; ...Stawarz, L. and 148 coauthors | | The First Fermi-LAT Catalog of Sources above 10 GeV |
2013,PlasmaPhys.&ControlledFusion,55,14035 | | Masters, A.; Stawarz, L.; Fujimoto, M.; Schwartz, S.J.; Sergis, N.; Thomsen, M.F.; Retino, A.; Hasegawa, H.; Zieger, B.; Lewis, G.R. and 3 coauthors | | In situ observations of high-Mach number collisionless shocks in space plasmas |
2013,A&A,556,68 | | Cassata, P.; Le Fevre, O.; Charlot, S.; Contini, T,; Cucciati, O.; Garilli, B.; Zamorani, G.; Adami, C.; BArdelli, S.; Le Brun, V.; ...Pollo, A. and 7 coauthors | | He II emitters in the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: Population III star formation or peculiar stellar populations in galaxies at 2 < z < 4.6? |
2013,A&A,559,14 | | Le Fevre, O.; CAssata, P.; Cucciati, O.; Garilli, B.; Ilbert, O.; Le Brun, V.; Maccagni, D.; Moreau, C.; Scodeggio, M.; Tresse, L.; ... Pollo, A. and 36 coauthors | | The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey final data release: a spectroscopic sample of 35 016 galaxies and AGN out to z ~ 6.7 selected with 17.5 ≤ iAB ≤ 24.75 |
2013,A&A,557,16 | | Malek, K.; Solarz, A.; Pollo, A.; Fritz, A.; Garilli, B.; Scodeggio, M.; Iovino, A.; Granett, B.R.; Abbas, U.; Adami, C. and 40 coauthors | | The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). A support vector machine classification of galaxies, stars, and AGNs |
2013,A&A,557,17 | | Marulli, F.; Bolzonella, M.; Branchini, E.; Davidzon, I.; de la Tore, S.; Granett, B.R.; Guzzo, L.; Iovino, A.; Moscardini, L.; Pollo, A. and 39 coauthors | | The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS) . Luminosity and stellar mass dependence of galaxy clustering at 0.5 < z < 1.1 |
2013,A&A,557,54 | | de la Torre, S.; Guzzo, L.; Peacock, J.A.; Branchini, E.; Iovino A.; Granett, B.R.; Abbas, U.; Adami, C.; Arnouts, S.; Bel, J.; ... Pollo, A. and 40 coauthors | | The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS) . Galaxy clustering and redshift-space distortions at z ≃ 0.8 in the first data release |
2013,A&A,558,23 | | Davodzon, I.; Bolzonella, M.; Coupon, J.; Ilbert, O.; Arnouts, S.; de la Torre, S.; Fritz, A.; De Lucia, G.; Iovino, A.; Granett, B.R.; Pollo, A. and 39 coauthors | | The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). A precise measurement of the galaxy stellar mass function and the abundance of massive galaxies at redshifts 0.5 < z < 1.3 |
2013,Astr.Soc.ofthe PacificConf.,476,269 | | Hatsukade, B.; Takeuchi, T.T.; Pollo, A. (a?); Kohno, K.; Aretxaga, I.; Austermann, J.E.; Ezawa, H.; Hughes, D.H.; Ikarashi, S.; Iono, D. and 9 coauthors | | Clustering Properties of 1.1 mm-Selected Submillimetre Galaxies Uncovered by AzTEC Deep Surveys |
2013,MNRAS,429,868 | | Otulakowska-Hypka, M.; Olech, A.; de Miguel, E.; Rutkowski, A.; Koff, R.; Bakowska, K. | | IX Draconis - a curious ER UMa-type dwarf nova |
2013,AcA,63,225 | | Rutkowski, A.; Ak, T.; Marsh, T.R. | | On the Eclipsing Cataclysmic Variable Star HBHA 4705-03 |
2013,SolarPhys.,284,439 | | Belik, M.; Barczynski, K.; Markova, E. | | Dynamic of Polar Plumes Observed During 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Total Solar Eclipses |
2013,AmericanGeophys.Union-FallMeet.,SA33A-1984 | | Krankowski, A.; Rothkaehl, H.; Atamaniuk, B.; Morawski, M.; Zakharenkowa, I.; Cherniak, I.; Otmianowska-Mazur, K. | | New advanced radio diagnostics tools for Space Weather Program |
2013,Comp.AlgebraSyst.inTeaching&Research,v.IV,n1,100 | | Woszczyna, Andrzej; Kycia, Radoslaw A.; Golda, Zdzislaw A. | | Functional Programming in Symbolic Tensor Analysis |
2013,Comp.AlgebraSyst.inTeaching&Research,v.IV,n1,283 | | Woszczyna, Andrzej; Golda, Zdzislaw A. | | Towards Mathematical Training Games |
2013,Amer.Geoph.Union-Fall Mitt.,AE33A,0329 | | Mlynarczyk, J.; Kulak, A.; Ostrowski, M.; Kubisz, J.; Michalec, A.; Popek, M. | | ELF Electromagnetic Signatures of Sprites Observed at Short Distances |