Owing to the increased availability of computers nowadays, precomputed tables of minima (or maxima) for each night are not so widely needed. Therefore, it has been decided that from the start of 1997, these tables will be removed from the main publication and the essential part kept. (i.e. the lists of stars with the current elements and the annotations as well as the references) However the ephemeris tables will be available on the Internet (WWW, ftp, e-mail) and upon request, by floppy disc or in printed form, together with the regular issue (an additional charge will apply for this service).
Subscription Rate:
Surface Mail: USD 2.00
Air Mail:
The remittance, along with a distinct identification of its purpose (Rocznik Astronomiczny - subscription), should be either submitted directly to the account of the Jagiellonian University at Bank Przemyslowo Handlowy SA IV Krakow No. 10601389-320000477690 or sent to the Editors' address in the form of a cheque payable to the Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University (Eurocheques are acceptable). If the payment is made directly to the bank, a separate advice to the Editors is required (can be by E-mail). The deadline for the subscription is September 30. Invoices will be sent only upon request. In the case of an existing exchange, our publication is free of charge.
Prenumerate przyjmuje Redakcja. Cena Rocznika Astronomicznego wynosi 11,00 zl + koszty przesylki. Dodatkowa oplata za efemerydy w postaci wydruku lub na dyskietce wynosi 5,00 zl.
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